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/ GeoSafari History / GeoSafari History (Educational Insights)(EII-8973)(1997).ISO / pc / glospics / h03 / hgl0306.bmp (.png) < prev    next >
Bitmap Image  |  1997-05-08  |  141KB  |  432x324  |  8-bit (210 colors)
Labels: bag | box | car | dialog box | house | monitor | person | plaything | windowpane
OCR: Tiny Powerhouse About the Microproressor The first comp uter ni chip" was introduced q Intel in 1971. Before the microprocessor, informa tion was stored on huge room-sized computers that [IOM ed very slowly With the microprocessor however thousands f 'bits" of informa ation could be stored on single tiny chip of silicon, barely .2inc hes long (0.5 cm) and .02 inches (0.05 cm) thick Despite their small size microprocessors can be programmed for big jobs, such as instruc tional games, word proc essing. accounting and graphic design Micropror essor wras uters worked microproc hawever thausands garmes